目前,数据赢得了用户生成的数据和数据处理系统之间的大鼠竞赛。机器学习的使用增加导致处理需求的进一步增加,而数据量不断增长。为了赢得比赛,需要将机器学习应用于通过网络的数据。数据的网络分类可以减少服务器上的负载,减少响应时间并提高可伸缩性。在本文中,我们使用现成的网络设备以混合方式介绍了IISY,以混合方式实施机器学习分类模型。 IISY针对网络内分类的三个主要挑战:(i)将分类模型映射到网络设备(ii)提取所需功能以及(iii)解决资源和功能约束。 IISY支持一系列传统和集合机器学习模型,独立于开关管道中的阶段数量扩展。此外,我们证明了IISY用于混合分类的使用,其中在一个开关上实现了一个小模型,在后端的大型模型上实现了一个小模型,从而实现了接近最佳的分类结果,同时大大降低了服务器上的延迟和负载。
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In this paper, we propose a novel technique, namely INVALIDATOR, to automatically assess the correctness of APR-generated patches via semantic and syntactic reasoning. INVALIDATOR reasons about program semantic via program invariants while it also captures program syntax via language semantic learned from large code corpus using the pre-trained language model. Given a buggy program and the developer-patched program, INVALIDATOR infers likely invariants on both programs. Then, INVALIDATOR determines that a APR-generated patch overfits if: (1) it violates correct specifications or (2) maintains errors behaviors of the original buggy program. In case our approach fails to determine an overfitting patch based on invariants, INVALIDATOR utilizes a trained model from labeled patches to assess patch correctness based on program syntax. The benefit of INVALIDATOR is three-fold. First, INVALIDATOR is able to leverage both semantic and syntactic reasoning to enhance its discriminant capability. Second, INVALIDATOR does not require new test cases to be generated but instead only relies on the current test suite and uses invariant inference to generalize the behaviors of a program. Third, INVALIDATOR is fully automated. We have conducted our experiments on a dataset of 885 patches generated on real-world programs in Defects4J. Experiment results show that INVALIDATOR correctly classified 79% overfitting patches, accounting for 23% more overfitting patches being detected by the best baseline. INVALIDATOR also substantially outperforms the best baselines by 14% and 19% in terms of Accuracy and F-Measure, respectively.
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关键应用程序中机器学习(ML)组件的集成引入了软件认证和验证的新挑战。正在开发新的安全标准和技术准则,以支持基于ML的系统的安全性,例如ISO 21448 SOTIF用于汽车域名,并保证机器学习用于自主系统(AMLAS)框架。 SOTIF和AMLA提供了高级指导,但对于每个特定情况,必须将细节凿出来。我们启动了一个研究项目,目的是证明开放汽车系统中ML组件的完整安全案例。本文报告说,Smikk的安全保证合作是由行业级别的行业合作的,这是一个基于ML的行人自动紧急制动示威者,在行业级模拟器中运行。我们演示了AMLA在伪装上的应用,以在简约的操作设计域中,即,我们为其基于ML的集成组件共享一个完整的安全案例。最后,我们报告了经验教训,并在开源许可下为研究界重新使用的开源许可提供了傻笑和安全案例。
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监督学习模型是最基本的模型类别之一。从概率的角度查看监督的学习,通常假定拟合模型的一组培训数据遵循固定分布。但是,这种平稳性假设通常在称为概念漂移的现象中违反,该现象是指随时间变化的变化,在协变量$ \ mathbf {x} $和响应变量$ y $之间的预测关系中,并且可以渲染受过训练的模型次优或过时。我们开发了一个全面且在计算上有效的框架,用于检测,监视和诊断概念漂移。具体而言,我们使用多变量指数加权移动平均值的形式来监视拟合模型的对数似然梯度的梯度,该形式可以监视随机矢量平均值的一般变化。尽管我们在基于流行的错误方法上证明了具有实质性的性能优势,但以前尚未考虑基于分数的方法进行概念漂移监测。提出的基于分数的框架的优点包括适用于任何参数模型,对理论和实验中所示的更大变化的检测以及固有的诊断功能,以帮助识别变化的性质。
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While the capabilities of autonomous systems have been steadily improving in recent years, these systems still struggle to rapidly explore previously unknown environments without the aid of GPS-assisted navigation. The DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge aimed to fast track the development of autonomous exploration systems by evaluating their performance in real-world underground search-and-rescue scenarios. Subterranean environments present a plethora of challenges for robotic systems, such as limited communications, complex topology, visually-degraded sensing, and harsh terrain. The presented solution enables long-term autonomy with minimal human supervision by combining a powerful and independent single-agent autonomy stack, with higher level mission management operating over a flexible mesh network. The autonomy suite deployed on quadruped and wheeled robots was fully independent, freeing the human supervision to loosely supervise the mission and make high-impact strategic decisions. We also discuss lessons learned from fielding our system at the SubT Final Event, relating to vehicle versatility, system adaptability, and re-configurable communications.
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We present Muse, a text-to-image Transformer model that achieves state-of-the-art image generation performance while being significantly more efficient than diffusion or autoregressive models. Muse is trained on a masked modeling task in discrete token space: given the text embedding extracted from a pre-trained large language model (LLM), Muse is trained to predict randomly masked image tokens. Compared to pixel-space diffusion models, such as Imagen and DALL-E 2, Muse is significantly more efficient due to the use of discrete tokens and requiring fewer sampling iterations; compared to autoregressive models, such as Parti, Muse is more efficient due to the use of parallel decoding. The use of a pre-trained LLM enables fine-grained language understanding, translating to high-fidelity image generation and the understanding of visual concepts such as objects, their spatial relationships, pose, cardinality etc. Our 900M parameter model achieves a new SOTA on CC3M, with an FID score of 6.06. The Muse 3B parameter model achieves an FID of 7.88 on zero-shot COCO evaluation, along with a CLIP score of 0.32. Muse also directly enables a number of image editing applications without the need to fine-tune or invert the model: inpainting, outpainting, and mask-free editing. More results are available at https://muse-model.github.io
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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) captures cross-sectional data and is used for the screening, monitoring, and treatment planning of retinal diseases. Technological developments to increase the speed of acquisition often results in systems with a narrower spectral bandwidth, and hence a lower axial resolution. Traditionally, image-processing-based techniques have been utilized to reconstruct subsampled OCT data and more recently, deep-learning-based methods have been explored. In this study, we simulate reduced axial scan (A-scan) resolution by Gaussian windowing in the spectral domain and investigate the use of a learning-based approach for image feature reconstruction. In anticipation of the reduced resolution that accompanies wide-field OCT systems, we build upon super-resolution techniques to explore methods to better aid clinicians in their decision-making to improve patient outcomes, by reconstructing lost features using a pixel-to-pixel approach with an altered super-resolution generative adversarial network (SRGAN) architecture.
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We propose a new causal inference framework to learn causal effects from multiple, decentralized data sources in a federated setting. We introduce an adaptive transfer algorithm that learns the similarities among the data sources by utilizing Random Fourier Features to disentangle the loss function into multiple components, each of which is associated with a data source. The data sources may have different distributions; the causal effects are independently and systematically incorporated. The proposed method estimates the similarities among the sources through transfer coefficients, and hence requiring no prior information about the similarity measures. The heterogeneous causal effects can be estimated with no sharing of the raw training data among the sources, thus minimizing the risk of privacy leak. We also provide minimax lower bounds to assess the quality of the parameters learned from the disparate sources. The proposed method is empirically shown to outperform the baselines on decentralized data sources with dissimilar distributions.
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